

Currently, there are only 3 normal-speed overnight trains running between Shanghai South Railway Station and Zhangjiajie Railway Station/Zhangjiajie West Railway Station. The distance by train for this popular tourist route is 1,500 kilometers (932 miles) . The travel time is around 18 - 22 hours. A soft sleeper costs CNY 488.5 - 504.5 per person, and a hard sleeper costs CNY 310 - 322.5.

For the passenger who want to save the time for travel, we recommend you make a transfer in Changsha. In this case, duration will be shorten by 7 – 10.5 hours. A 2nd class seat for the train from Shanghai to Changsha costs CNY 478, and from Changsha to Zhangjiajie only costs CNY 105 - 115.

Shanghai to Zhangjiajie Trains

  • Distance: 1,500 kilometers (932 miles)
  • Duration:  approximately 20 hours
  • Stations: Shanghai South Railway Station (Chinese: 上海南站), Zhangjiajie Railway Station(Chinese: 张家界站), Zhangjiajie West Railway Station(Chinese: 张家界西站)
  • Main stops: Shanghai South, Jiaxing, Hangzhou, Yiwu, Jinhua, Zhuzhou, Changsha, Yiyang, Changde, Zhangjiajie

Shanghai to Zhangjiajie Train Schedule

Train No. Time Duration
K71 14:34-09:02+1 18 h 28 min
K1373 16:49-12:58+1 20 h 09 min
K807 18:51-17:24+1 22 h 33 min


1."+1" indicates that the train arrives the second day.

2.Train K71 arrives at the newly-built Zhangjiajie West Railway Station, While Trains K1373 and K807 arrive at Zhangjiajie Railway Station, it is a station more closer to Wulingyuan Scenic Area.

Zhangjiajie to Shanghai Train Schedule

Train No. Time Duration
K808 15:54-12:58+1 21 h 04 min
K73 16:03-12:15+1 20 h 12 min
K1374 18:58-15:12+1 20 h 14 min


1."+1" indicates that the train arrives the second day.

2.Train K73 departs at the newly-built Zhangjiajie West Railway Station, While Trains K808 and K13741 departs at Zhangjiajie Railway Station.

Shanghai – Zhangjiajie Train Ticket Prices

Soft Sleeper Hard Sleeper Hard Seat
US$79 (556 CNY) US$51 (355 CNY) US$27 (189.5 CNY)

Shanghai to Changsha to Zhangjiajie Train Schedule

Route Duration Ticket fare
Shanghai Hongqiao -Changsha Nan Around 5hours by bullet train 2nd class seat costs CNY 478 - 502.5
Changsha - Zhangjiajie Xi 2.5 - 3.5 hours by high speed train 2nd class seat costs CNY 102 - 115
Total Approximately 8 hours CNY 580 - 627.5

Note: Passengers who traveling in this way need to transfer between Changsha South Railway Station and Changsha Railway Station. We recommend you to take by subway line 2 or taxi. A taxi ride takes about 25 minutes and costs CNY 30.

Book Your Shanghai to Zhangjiajie Train Tickets Online

You are recommended to use our China Train Booking app to book your tickets and track your bookings anytime and anywhere. Get your free trial now:

Further reading:

April, 20, 2020 Published by: Carrie Zhang