Wuhan Huanghelou

Wuhan Huanghelou

At a distance of 1013 kilometers (630 miles) to travel from Wuhan to Beijing, it takes about 4 - 6 hours on a high-speed train.

At least 30 bullet trains operate from Wuhan to Beijing everyday. Departure stations are Wuhan Railway Station and Hankou Railway Station. Arrival station is Beijing West Railway Station.

You may notice that the departure railway stations are in different naming rules, which are Wuhan Railway Staion and Hankou Railway Station. I will tell you which station to choose for your trip.

High-Speed Train Timetable for Wuhan to Beijing

The earliest train G520 departs at 07:00, and the latest train G406 departs at 18:36. The fastest one is train G588, only taking 4 hours 12 min to travel from Wuhan Railway Station to Beijing West Railway Station.

Please check the part of timetable below.

Departure Railway Station Arrival Railway Station Train No. Time Duration
Hankou Beijing West G520 07:00–11:27 4 h 27 min
Wuhan G588(fastest) 08:30–12:42 4 h 12 min
Wuhan G502 09:11–14:24 5 h 13 min
Wuhan G572 10:31–15:54 5 h 23 min
Wuhan G72 12:20–18:22 6 h 02 min
Wuhan G516 13:30–17:50 4 h 20 min
Hankou G524 15:20–20:43 5 h 23 min
Wuhan G422 16:01–20:53 4 h 52 min
Wuhan G70 17:07–22:28 5 h 21 min
Wuhan G528 17:59–23:22 5 h 23 min
Wuhan G406 18:36–23:18 4 h 42 min

For more timetables, please download China Train Booking app.

Train Ticket Price for Shanghai to Wuhan

Trains that depart from Wuhan Railway Station and Hankou Railway Station have slightly different price.

Departure Station Business Class Seat 1st Class Seat 2nd Class Seat
Wuhan Railway Station 1642.5 CNY 832.5 CNY 520.5 CNY
Hankou Railway Station 1646.5 CNY 835 CNY 522 CNY

How to Choose Your Departure Railway Station?

Wuhan Railway Station locates in the eastern area. Hankou Railway Station locates in the northern area.

On the route of Wuhan to Beijing, there are 23 trains depart from Wuhan Railway Station, and 7 trains set off from Wuhan Railway Station.

Hankou Railway Station

Hankou Railway Station was built in 1898, with a style of European Architectural. As a historical site, it is the main railway station in Wuhan, which serves more than 120,000 passengers daily.

  • Chinese name: 汉口火车站
  • Address: 186 Fazhan Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province (湖北省武汉市江汉区发展大道185号)
  • Transportation: Bus, taxi, subway line 2
  • Nearby hotels: Oriental Jianguo Hotel, Jiangcheng Hotel, Ramada Wuhan Jianghan
  • E-ticket: support to use e-ticket
From To Transportation Time
Hankou Railway Station Tianhe International Airport Intercity bullet train 7 min
Subway line 2 45 min
Airport express 30 min
Wuhan Railway Station Intercity bullet train 12 min
Subway line 2->4 1 h
Taxi 45 min
Wuchang Railway Station Intercity bullet train 21 min
Subway line 2->4 45 min
Taxi 25 min

Check the online map >>>

Wuhan Railway Station

Wuhan Railway Station

Wuhan Railway Station

Not like the other two stations that operate both high speed trains and refular speed trains, Wuhan Railway Station only operates high speed trains.

  • Chinese name: 武汉火车站
  • Address: South side of Yangchun Lake, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province (湖北省武汉市洪山区杨春湖南侧)
  • Transportation:Bus, taxi, subway line 4
  • Nearby hotels: Atour Hotel (Wuhan Qingshan Heping Park), Royal Hotel, Gallery.F Hotel
  • E-ticket: support to use e-ticket
From To Transportation Time
Wuhan Railway Station Tianhe International Airport Subway line 4->2 1 h 50 min
Airport express 1 h 30 min
Hankou Railway Station Intercity bullet train 20 min
Subway line 4->2 1 h 7 min
Taxi 25 min
Wuchang Railway Station Subway line 4 45 min
Taxi 25 min

Map of Beijing West Railway Station

Beijing West Railway Station is located in Fengtai District and has one main building and two station squares.

  • Name in Chinese: 北京西站 Běijīng Xī Zhàn
  • Address: 118 East Lianhuachi Road, Fengtai District
  • Address in Chinese: 北京市丰台区莲花池东路118号
  • Nearby transportation: subway, bus, and taxi
  • Nearby hotel: Dafang Hotel, Walton Hotel, Tangla Hotel Beijing
  • E-ticket: support to use e-ticket

Check the online map >>>

What to Eat on The Train? 


Wuhan-Beijing Xi G488(12:46 – 17:06)

Food delivery service station: Zhengzhou Dong Railway Station, Shijiangzhuang Railway Station

Available food: 

Zhengzhou Dong Railway Station: KFC,Mr.Lee Restaurant (Curry beef set meal, Braised Pork Belly, Mushroom and chicken set meal, beef noodles) , Yonghe King Restaurant(Pork with Salted Vegetable,Rice with Kung Pao Chicken), Laozhengzhou Restaurant (stewed noodles)

Shijiazhuang Railway Station: KFC, Mr.Lee Restaurant (Curry beef set meal, Braised Pork Belly, Mushroom and chicken set meal) , Xihe Yipin Restaurant (Fried dumpling, Minced Pork Congee with Preserved Egg ,Chinese beef hamburger, Pumpkin porridge)

Book Your Wuhan to Beijing Train Tickets Online

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Further reading:

April, 15, 2020 Published by: Jolie Chow