Just like most cultures in the world,In Chinese, the standard greeting HELLO 你好 (nǐ hǎo) can be used at any time of the day or night. But like nearly all cultures do, there are different Chinese greetings for a number of occasions, determined by the different times of day. There are many phrases but in same meaning, do you know how or when to use them? Do you know what different between them?Check our the article as below, I will show you how to greetings for different times of day in Chinese. It is easily to use them in common life.
3 Ways to Say “Good Morning” in Chinese
1.Good Morning
The Chinese generally say good morning in the following three ways
1.Chinese Characters: 早上好 (Zǎo shàng hǎo.)
Meaning: Good Morning (The formal way)
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2.Chinese Characters: 早安(Chūnjié kuàilè)
Meaning: Good Morning (Morning Peace)
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“早安”a peaceful morning in literal translation. It also means I wish you a peace morning or a peace day.
3.Chinese Characters: 早 (Zǎo )
Meaning: Morning. (The simplest way to wish someone a good morning,usually, with people with whom they are more familiar, people just walk around nodding to people and saying zǎo.
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Note: Morning greetings Usually used before 10 a.m.
2.Good Noon
Chinese Characters: 中午好 (Zhōng wǔ hǎo )
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Chinese people usually greet someone with“中午好”when they meet around 12 p.m.
3.Good afternoon
Chinese Characters: 下午好 (Xià wǔ hǎo.))
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Chinese Characters: 午安 (wǔ ān)
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“午安”a peaceful noon in literal translation. When your friend have to take a nap in the afternoon, you can say “午安”. It also means I wish you sleep well.
4.Good evening & Good night
Good evening
Chinese Characters : 晚上好(Wǎn shàng hǎo.)
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You can say“晚上好”to your friend after 7 p.m. Or you can just say “你好”when you meet each other.

Good night.
.Chinese Characters:晚安。(Wǎn ān.)
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Chinese people loves to say “晚安”to their loved families and friends before sleep. It is a phrase to express love and care. An interesting fact about its pinyin: If you take all the capitals of those letters, they represent: 我爱你,爱你(wǒ ài nǐ,ài nǐ , which means “I love you, love you.”) . Say to your Chinese friends to show your love and care for them.
Chinese Characters:晚安, 做个好梦。(Wǎn ān. zuò gè hǎo mèng)
Meaning:Good night and sweet dreams
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Chinese Characters:好梦。(Hǎo mèng. )
Meaning:Sweet dreams ( Usually say to familiar people)
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Further reading:
5 Differences between Chinese and English
How to Say Thank You in Chinese
Baggage Rules of China Railway