Panda in Chegndu

Panda in Chegndu

The journey from Shanghai to Chengdu takes about 11 - 14 .5 hours on a high speed train.

At a distance of 1969 kilometers (1223 miles), there are only 7 bullet trains operating from Shanghai to Chengdu daily.

Six high speed trains are from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station, one train is from Shanghai Railway Station. All of the trains will arrive at Chengdu East (Dong) Railway Station.

High-Speed Train Timetable for Shanghai to Chengdu

The earliest train D352 departs at 06:13, and the latest train G2193 departs at 10:48. The fastest one is train G1974, taking about 11 hours 10 minutes to travel from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station to Chengdu East (Dong) Railway Station.

Please check the timetable below.

Departure Railway Station Arrival Railway Station Train No. Time Duration
Shanghai Hongqiao Chengdu East (Dong) D352 06:13–20:25 14 h 12 min
Shanghai Hongqiao D636 06:32–20:48 14 h 16 min
Shanghai Hongqiao D2206 06:58–21:36 14 h 38 min
Shanghai Hongqiaon G1974 (fastest) 07:17–18:27 11 h 10 min
Shanghai Hongqiao G2189 07:32–20:33 13 h 01 min
Shanghai D952 08:30–20:59 12 h 29 min
Shanghai Hongqiao G2193 10:48–23:20 12 h 32 min

To book your train tickets, please download China Train Booking app.

Train Ticket Price for Shanghai to Chengdu

Trains that from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station and Shanghai Railway Station have different price. Departing from Shanghai Railway Station cost less than that from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station.

Departure Business Class Seat 1st Class Seat 2nd Class Seat
Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station CNY 3142.5 CNY 1676 CNY 1012.5
Shanghai - CNY 1104 CNY 690

Maps of Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station / Shanghai Railway Station / Chengdu East Railway Station

Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station

Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station is located in the transportation hub with an airport, subway, and coach station nearby, which makes it easy for you to get to from other places in Shanghai, such as Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport and the Bund.

  • Chinese name: 上海虹桥火车站
  • Address: 1500 Shengui Road, Minhang Area, Shanghai (上海市闵行区申贵路1500号)
  • Transportation: Subway line 2 & 10 & 17; taxi; bus
  • Nearby hotels: Howard Johnson Hongqiao Airport Hotel, Cordis Shanghai Hongqiao, MEHOOD HOTEL (Shanghai Hongqiao Business District)
  • E-ticket: support to use e-ticket

Check the online map >>>

Chengdu East (Dong) Railway Station

Chengdu East Railway Station

Chengdu East Railway Station

Chengdu East Railway Station is one of the six biggest transportation hubs in China. It is also the terminus of Shanghai–Wuhan–Chengdu, Chengdu–Chongqing, Xi’an–Chengdu, and Chengdu–Guiyang high-speed lines.

  • Chinese name: 成都东火车站站
  • Address: Qingyijiang Road, Chenghua District (成都市成华区青衣江路)
  • Transportation: Bus, taxi, subway line 2 & 7
  • Nearby hotels: The Longemont Chengdu, Rezen Select Chengdu Jiuyanqiao, Hampton by Hilton Chengdu Chenghua
  • E-ticket: support to use e-ticket

Check the online map >>>

What to Eat on The Train? 


Shanghai Hongqiao–Chengdu Dong G2193(10:48 – 23:21)

Food delivery service station: Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station, Hangzhou Dong Railway Station, Nanchang Xi Railway Station, Changsha Nan Railway Station

Available food: 

Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station: KFC , Mcdonalds, Yonghe King (Pork with Salted Vegetable,Rice with Kung Pao Chicken) Huadong Yinji Restaurant (Braised Pork Belly set, Stewed Beef noodles), Laoniangjiu Restaurant (Shredded pork with fish flavor,Braise in soy sauce fish)

Hangzhou Dong Railway Station: KFC, Pizza Hut, Yonghe King Restaurant (Pork with Salted Vegetable,Rice with Kung Pao Chicken)Yuanzhen yuanwei Restaurant (Steamed Rice with Red-Cooked Pork,Rice with pork chop,Stewed Beef Tenderloin Chunks),Huadong Yinji Restaurant(Braised Pork Belly set, Stewed Beef noodles)

Nanchang Xi Railway Station:KFC,Diou coffee (Rice with chicken & mushrooms, Pork with Salted Vegetable)

Changsha Nan Railway Station : KFC ,Mcdonalds , Dingyi Restaurant ( Pork with Salted Vegetable , Beef and Rice Set)

Book Your Shanghai to Chengdu Train Tickets Online

You are recommended to use our website to book your tickets. Or you can download China Train Booking app below:

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Further reading:

April, 15, 2020 Published by: Jolie Chow