As an important part of China's digital life, WeChat Pay provides you with a convenient, fast, and secure payment method, helping you easily complete various payment transactions in your daily life in China. Regardless of which country you come from, this article will provide you with a brief user guide to help you understand the basic functions of WeChat Pay and how to add a credit card, enabling you to quickly get started. Nowadays, WeChat Pay can also support linking credit cards issued outside of Chinese mainland, which makes it more convenient for foreign guests to use. In China, everyone from government halls to street stalls can pay with WeChat Pay. Whether it's shopping payments, money transfers, or enjoying more convenient lifestyle services, WeChat Pay can provide you with comprehensive support.

What is WeChat Pay?

WeChat Pay is a widely used electronic payment platform launched by Tencent. It relies on WeChat app, a social media application, to provide users with safe and convenient online payment services, allowing users to complete online and offline payment transactions through mobile phones. With the popularization and development of mobile payment technology, WeChat Pay has become one of the widely used payment methods in China and even in the world. The following is the official website of WeChat Pay to introduce the functions of WeChat Pay in detail:

1. Quick Pay :

 quick pay

2.QR Code Payment :

 QR code pay

3. Mini Program Payment :

 mini program payment

4. Official Account Payment :

 official account payment

5. In-App Payment :

 in app payment

6. Web Payment:

 web payment

(pic from WeChat Pay)

Preparation Before Use

1.Download the WeChat APP and Register: After downloading and installing the WeChat app, foreign users need to follow the prompts to fill in their personal information and complete mobile phone verification. This process usually requires a valid mobile phone number or email address to receive the verification code.

 sign up

2. Open and Set Up WeChat Payment: Before using WeChat Pay, you need to ensure that the bank card has been bound to WeChat. Users can select the "Wallet" function on the "Me" page, and then add bank card information. When binding a bank card, the user needs to fill in the bank card number, cardholder name, validity period and other information, and complete the verification through the SMS verification code sent by the bank.



●If there are any problem or issue, please contact Wechat Pay English customer service: +86 571 95017.

How to Pay Via WeChat?

The following is the detailed usage method explained on the official website of WeChat Pay.

1. Quick Pay: Users of WeChat Pay display their individual payment code to the merchant. The merchant then proceed to scan QR codes to execute the transaction. By leveraging the feature of Quick Pay, cashiers are able to process the payment within a short span of 1-2 seconds, eliminating the requirement for physical cash or coins. This not only heightens operational efficiency but also significantly avoiding cashier errors.


2.QR Code Payment: Each merchant generates an individual QR code for collecting payments. Users initiate the payment process by opening WeChat Pay, scanning this code, confirming the amount due, and finally, after passing the security checks, they proceed to make the payment.

 scan qr code

3.Official Account Payment: Users can follow merchants’ WeChat Official Accounts to place order or receive news of merchants' product activities or product listings, etc. Once a merchant has opened an Official Account and enabled the payment feature, users can pay for goods and services inside the Official Account.

 scan qr code

4.Web Payment: Utilizing the "Scan" feature within WeChat, users scan a payment code, which a merchant generates on a webpage, to execute a payment transaction. Or select WeChat Pay option within the app or website directly.

 scan qr code


(pic from WeChat Pay)

Where Can I Use WeChat Offline?

WeChat Pay is the same as Alipay also has a wide range of applications in China and can be used for payments in many places. Here are some common offline places where WeChat Pay can be used:

Malls, supermarkets, convenience stores and street vendors: Malls and supermarkets support WeChat Pay, which allows you to scan the QR code provided by the merchant to complete the payment or the merchant will scan your QR code to complete the payment.

Restaurants and cafes: All kinds of restaurants and cafes support WeChat Pay, which allows you to place your order and pay by scanning a QR code on the table. For those with social anxiety, you no longer have to feel anxious about interacting with the order taker. For those who value efficiency and want to place orders as quickly as possible, you no longer have to stand in long queues waiting.

Event ticket: You can use mini program on WeChat to book the event ticket online in advance including theater ticket, talk show ticket, movie ticket and all kinds of event tickets. After you complete the payment, there is a QR code for you to collect the paper tickets when you arrive. If you want to book the ticket at the ticket counter, you can use WeChat Pay to complete the payment directly.

Public transport and taxis: Public transport systems, such as train stations, buses, taxis and subway also support WeChat Pay for fares. You can use the WeChat mini program to hail a taxi, or scan a code to use shared bicycles or electric bikes.

Gas stations: Gas stations already support WeChat Pay, so you can use it to pay while filling up.

WeChat Pay can be used for almost all payment scenarios, but please note that whether the above places support WeChat Pay payment may vary by merchant. Before using WeChat Pay, it is recommended to confirm whether the merchant supports WeChat Pay payment and the specific payment method.

Useful Sentence While Offline Shopping

While shopping offline and you need to make the payment in China, you can use these sentence to complete the payment.



( kě yǐ yònɡ wēi xìn zhī fù ma ?)

Can I pay with WeChat Pay?


( yí ɡònɡ duō shǎo qián ?)

How much is the total?


( wǒ yònɡ wēi xìn fù kuǎn 。)

I will pay by WeChat Pay.


( nǐ sǎo wǒ hái shì wǒ sǎo nǐ ?)

Do you scan my QR code or should I scan yours?