
Panda in Chengdu

The journey from Chengdu to Guiyang takes about 4 hours on a high speed train. At a distance of 650 kilometers ( Around 400miles), Now there are 59 pairs of trains operating between these two cities daily. Compared with taking a bus or flight, taking a high speed train is the fastest and convenient way to go from Chengdu to Guiyang.

Almost all the trains are departs at Chengdu East (Dong) Railway Station and arrives at Guiyang North (Bei) Railway Station or Guiyang East (Dong) Railway Station. The cost of transportation between these two cities is not very expensive.It costs only CNY 212 - CNY 297 to purchase a second class seat ticket. But for the passengers who require a quiet and comfortable journey, we recommend them to take a business class seat.

Chengdu- Guiyang High-Speed Train Schedule

  • Distance: 646 - 653 kilometers (401 - 406 miles).
  • Duration: 3 - 5 hours
  • Stations: Chengdu East Railway Station, Guiyang North Railway Station, Guiyang East Railway Station

Chengdu - Guiyang High-Speed Train Schedules.

Departure Railway Station Arrival Railway Station Train No. Time Duration
Chengdu East Railway Station Guiyang North C5971 06:35-10:30 3 h 55 min
G2837 07:40-10:59 3 h 19 min
G2883 08:44–12:17 3 h 33 min
C5975 12:48–16:56 4 h 08 min
G2829 15:50-19:37 3 h 47 min
C5981 18:55–22:48 3 h 53 min
Guiyang East G2371 07:00–10:43 3 h 43 min
D1801 08:15-11:49 3 h 34 min



3 h 21 min

G2163 15:57–20:02 4 h 05 min

Guiyang to Chengdu High-Speed Train Schedules

Departure Railway Station Arrival Railway Station Train No. Time Duration
Guiyang North Chengdu East Railway Station
C5972 07:11–11:03 3 h 52 min
G2822 10:15–13:19 3 h 04 min
G2830 11:37–15:20 3 h 43 min
C6018 12:27–16:19 3 h 52 min
G2890 15:46–19:58 4 h 12 min
C5988 16:27–20:21 3 h 54 min


19:10–22:51 3 h 41 min
D1852 12:44–17:08 4 h 24 min
Guiyang East D1856 14:42-18:38 3 h 56 min
D1826 17:47-21:19 3 h 32 min

To check more timetable train schedules, please download our China Train Booking app.

Chengdu- Guiyang High- Speed Train Ticket Fare

Business Class Seat 1st Class Seat 2nd Class Seat
CNY 805 - 892 CNY 340 - 475 CNY 212 - 297

Maps of Chengdu East(Dong)Railway Station & Guiyang North(Bei) Railway Station & Guiyang East(Dong) Railway Station

Chengdu East Railway Station

Chengdu East Railway Station

Chengdu East Railway Station

Chengdu East Railway Station is one of the six biggest transportation hubs in China. It is also the terminus of Shanghai–Wuhan–Chengdu, Chengdu–Chongqing, Xi’an–Chengdu, and Chengdu–Guiyang high-speed lines.

  • Chinese name: 成都东火车站站
  • Address: Qingyijiang Road, Chenghua District (成都市成华区青衣江路)
  • Transportation: Bus, taxi, subway line 2 & 7
  • Nearby hotels: The Longemont Chengdu, Rezen Select Chengdu Jiuyanqiao, Hampton by Hilton Chengdu Chenghua
  • E-ticket: support to use e-ticket
From To Transportation Time Price
Chengdu East Railway Station Chengdu South Railway Station
Subway line 7 30 min CNY 4
Taxi 20 min CNY 30
Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport Subway line 7->10 50 min CNY 6
Airport express line 3 1 h 15 min CNY 12
Taxi 30 min CNY 60
Dujiangyan Panda Base Taxi 1 h 30 min CNY 260
Wolong Panda Center Taxi 1 h 30 min CNY 250

Chengdu East Railway Station map >>>

Guiyang North (Bei) Railway Station

guiyang north railway station

Guiyang North Railway Station

Guiyang North Railway Station was put into operation in 2014. It is the largest railway hub in Southwest China. Passengers can go to Guangzhou, Chengdu, Kunming, and Guilin quickly and easily using this station.

  • Chinese name: 贵阳北火车站
  • Address: Jiaxiu North Road, Guanshanhu District (贵阳市观山湖区甲秀北路)
  • Transportation: buses, taxis, city light rail
  • Nearby hotels: The Hotel Cairns , Rezen Hotel Heyue Guiyang, Tuda Hotel
  • E-ticket: support to use e-ticket
From To Transportation Time Price
Guiyang North Railway Station Guiyang East Railway Station
Bus Line270 1h CNY 2
Taxi 25 min CNY 40
Guiyang Railway Station urban light rail Line1 48 min CNY 5
Taxi 28 min CNY 45
Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport Shuttle Bus Line 1 1 h 5 min CNY20
Taxi 45min CNY 65
Jiaxiu Pavilion Bus 55 min CNY 2

Guiyang North Railway Station map >>>

Maps of Guiyang East Railway Station

Guiyang East Railway Station

City view of Guiyang

City View of Guiyang

Guiyang East Railway Station was put into operation in 2017. It is a railway transportation hub in the southwest region. It is about 6KM from Guiyang East station to the city center. Passengers can easily take bus or taxi there.

  • Chinese name: 贵阳东火车站
  • Address: East Second Ring Road, Wudang District (贵阳市乌当区东二环)
  • Transportation:Bus, taxi
  • Nearby hotels: GreenTree Inn, Hantang Mijing Holiday Hotel
  • E-ticket: support to use e-ticket
From To Transportation Time Price
Guiyang East Railway Station Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport Shuttle Bus Line.3 52 min CNY 20
Taxi 25 min CNY 40
Jiaxiu Pavilion Bus 1 h CNY 2
Taxi 35 min CNY 50

Guiyang Dong Railway Station map >>>

Guiyang taxi price list(The taxi fare is for reference only)

Time Base Price(CNY) Unit price (CNY/KM) 20 mins Total Price(CNY)
During the day(06:30AM - 10:00PM) CNY 8 CNY 1.6 Around CNY 30-35
During the night(22:00PM - 06:00AM) CNY 8 CNY 1.9 Around CNY 36-40

What to Eat on The Train?

Chengdu East – Guiyang North 09:13-13:03 (G2801)

Food delivery service station: Chengdu East Railway Station and Guiyang North Railway Station

Available food:

Chengdu East Railway Station: Mr Lee (Beef Noodles), Sichuan's Flavor (Rice with Eggplant and Fish Rice, Diced Chicken with Green Pepper)

Guiyang North Railway Station: Mr Lee and Sichuan's Flavor

Booking Your Chengdu - Guiyang Train Tickets online

You are always welcome to use our China Train Booking app to get your tickets within 3 minutes. We will make the process of booking a train ticket quite easy for you. Payment is also safe and convenient via credit card, PayPal, WeChat, and Alipay.

Further reading:
High-Speed Trains from Chengdu to Chongqing
Guilin–Guiyang High-Speed Trains
Baggage Rules of China Rail