Beautiful Yunnan
10 pairs of high speed trains are on service between Kunming and Lijiang daily. The distance between Kunming and Lijiang is 518 kilometers (322 miles), taking 3.5 to 4 hours for a train travel. A train ticket price costs from CNY 220 to CNY 351, based on different seat type.
All the trains are operating at Kunming Railway Station or Kunming South Railway Station, and Lijiang Railway Station. Here you will read about information about train timetables, tickets, and how to get to other places from the railway stations.
High-Speed Train Timetable between Kunming and Lijiang
The 10 pairs of high speed trains belong to D-category of bullet trains.
No matter you depart from or arrive in Kunming, all of the trains operate at Kunming Railway Station and Kunming South Railway Station. That means you can choose any of the stations to meet your need.
Check the train timetable below.
Departure Railway Station | Arrival Railway Station | Train No. | Time | Duration |
Kunming South (All these trains pass through Kunming Railway Station at the next stop) |
Lijiang | D8763 | 06:52–10:43 | 3 h 51 m |
D8773 | 08:25–11:53 | 3 h 20 min | ||
D8777 | 09:53–13:49 | 3 h 56 min | ||
D8797 | 10:56–14:33 | 3 h 37 min | ||
D8781 | 12:04–16:03 | 3 h 59 min | ||
D8785 | 13:48–17:08 | 3 h 20 min | ||
D3941 | 14:21–18:10 | 3 h 49 min | ||
D8767 | 15:30–19:29 | 3 h 59 min | ||
D8789 | 17:00–20:45 | 3 h 45 min | ||
D8793 | 19:01–22:21 | 3 h 20 min |
Departure Railway Station | Arrival Railway Station | Train No. | Time | Duration |
Lijiang | Kunming South (All these trains arrive at Kunming Railway Station at the next-to-last stop) |
D8774 | 08:23–11:43 | 3 h 20 min |
D8778 | 08:48–12:28 | 3 h 40 min | ||
D3942 | 09:25–13:21 | 3 h 56 min | ||
D8764 | 11:04–14:46 | 3 h 42 min | ||
D8782 | 13:00–16:22 | 3 h 22 min | ||
D8786 | 14:36–18:25 | 3 h 49 min | ||
D8798 | 15:03–18:55 | 3 h 52 min | ||
D8790 | 16:42–20:21 | 3 h 39 min | ||
D8794 | 17:29–21:15 | 3 h 46 min | ||
D8768 | 19:05–22:40 | 3 h 35 min |
To book your train tickets, please download China Train Booking app.
Train Ticket Price for Kunming - Lijiang
On the D-trains between Kunming and Lijiang, there are second class seat and first class seat available, while business class seat is not equipped with.
If you require larger space and quieter environment, it's suggested to book first class seat for better rest.
Train Type | Business Class Seat | 1st Class Seat | 2nd Class Seat |
D-Train | - | CNY 367.5 | CNY 226.5 |
Maps of Kunming South Railway Station and Kunming Railway Station
Location of Kunming South Railway Station
Kunming South Railway Station
Kunming South (Nan) Railway Station was officially opened in 2016. It is an important transportation junction that connects Western cities of China.
- Location: Wujiaying Street, Chenggong District, Kunming
- Subway: Line 1 & 4
- Nearby Hotels: Meihao Lizhi Hotel (Gaoxing area), Hilton Huanpeng Hotel (Kunming South), Jiahua Square Hotel
- E-ticket: support to use e-ticket.
Kunming South Railway Station to Other Places
To Kunming Railway Station
- By subway: line 1, 50 min, CNY 5
- By taxi: 60 min, CNY 90
To Changshui International Airport
- By subway: line 4 -> 6, 1 h 30 min, CNY 8
- By taxi: 60 min, CNY 100
Changshui International Airport
To The Stone Forest World Geopark
- By taxi: 1 h 30 min, CNY 190
To Green Lake Park (Cuihu Park)
- By taxi: 65 min, CNY 90
Kunming South Railway Station map >>>
Location of Kunming Railway Station
Kunming Railway Station is an old station that opened in 1970. It is smaller than the south railway station, but closer to the city downtown.
- Location: Beijing Road, Guandu District, Kunming
- Subway: Line 1
- Nearby Hotels: Jinjiang Hotel, Kunming Luzhongyun Hotel, Koi Hotel
- E-ticket: support to use e-ticket.
Kunming Railway Station to Other Places
Stone Forest World Geopark
To Kunming South Railway Station
- By subway: line 1, 50 min, CNY 5
- By taxi: 50 min, CNY 80
To Changshui International Airport
- By subway: line 1 -> 2 -> 6, 150 min, CNY 6
- By taxi: 40 min, CNY 75
To The Stone Forest World Geopark
- By taxi: 1 h 30 min, CNY 225
To Green Lake Park (Cuihu Park)
- By taxi: 30 min, CNY 15
Kunming Railway Station map >>>
Maps of Lijiang Railway Station
Location of Lijiang Railway Station
Lijiang Old Town
Lijiang Railway Station was built in 2010. It was used to be a train station that only serve normal speed train. Since 2019, high speed trains are able to operate to Lijiang from Kunming.
- Location: Yulong County, Lijiang
- Transportation: Bus and taxi
- Nearby Hotels: Yueli Hotel, Anyu Hotel, Lishi Hotel
- E-ticket: support to use e-ticket.
Lijiang Railway Station to Other Places
To Old Town of Lijiang
- By bus: bus 18, 50 min, CNY 2
- By taxi: 25 min
To Baisha Village
- By bus: bus 16 -> 6
- By taxi: 40 min
To Shuhe Ancient Town
- By taxi: 30 min
To Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
- By taxi: 50 min, CNY 10
Lijiang Railway Station map >>>
Book Your Fangchenggang to Nanning Train Tickets Online
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Further reading:
Bullet Train from Beijing to Shanghai: Timetable, Tickets, Prices
China Entry and Travel Restrictions in 2020
Baggage Rules of China Rail